The technique of acupressure or acupoint massage requires a thorough knowledge of the pressure points that are present in our body. This article illustrates these various pressure points, in order to help you identify them better.
Acupressure or acupoint massage was developed by the Chinese around 4,500 years ago, and its concept is based on the traditional Chinese theories of ‘Qi’ or ‘Chi’ (a force that circulates in the human body with the help of paths known as meridians). It is an ancient technique used to heal the body with the help of fingers, and applying pressure to several points in the body, in order to stimulate the body’s self-healing powers. These acupressure points are those points that are located on the meridians, and are sensitive to pressure and small static impulses. The stimulation of these points releases biochemicals by the name ‘endorphins’ (which act like natural morphine to the brain), thereby reducing pain and improving the circulation of oxygen in the blood.
Lung Meridian (LU), a.k.a. Hand Tai Yin
Associated with – The lungs, immune system, bronchi, respiratory system, the heart, allergies, oxygen deficiency, the skin, aggrieved pelvic area, regurgitating disruptions in the abdomen, and communication problems

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
LU 1 | Zhong Fu | Central Treasury |
LU 2 | Yun Men | Cloud Gate |
LU 3 | Tian Fu | Celestial Storehouse |
LU 4 | Xia Bai | Guarding White |
LU 5 | Chi Ze | Cubit Marsh |
LU 6 | Kong Zui | Collection Hole |
LU 7 | Lie Que | Broken Sequence |
LU 8 | Jing Qu | Channel Ditch |
LU 9 | Tai Yuan | Great Abyss |
LU 10 | Yu Ji | Fish Border |
LU 11 | Shao Shang | Lesser Shang |
Large Intestine Meridian (LI), a.k.a. Hand Yang Ming
Associated with – The lymphatic system, bowel movements, toxicity level of the intestines, teeth, jaws, skin, mucous membranes, elbow and shoulder pain, joint pain, pharyngitis, and constipation

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
LI 1 | Shang Yang | Metal Yang |
LI 2 | Er Jian | Second Space |
LI 3 | San Jian | Third Space |
LI 4 | He Gu | Union Valley |
LI 5 | Yang Xi | Yang Ravine |
LI 6 | Pian Li | Veering Passageway |
LI 7 | Wen Liu | Warm Dwelling |
LI 8 | Xia Lian | Lower Ridge |
LI 9 | Shang Lian | Upper Ridge |
LI 10 | Shou San Li | Arm Three Li |
LI 11 | Qu Chi | Pool at the Bend |
LI 12 | Zhou Liao | Elbow Bone Hole |
LI 13 | Shou Wu Li | Arm Five Li |
LI 14 | Bi Nao | Upper Arm |
LI 15 | Jian Yu | Shoulder Bone |
LI 16 | Ju Gu | Great Bone |
LI 17 | Tian Ding | Celestial Tripod |
LI 18 | Fu Tu | Protuberance Assistant |
LI 19 | He Liao | Grain Bone Hole |
LI 20 | Ying Xiang | Welcome Fragrance |
Stomach Meridian (ST), a.k.a. Foot Yang Ming
Associated with – The varicose veins, psychological irritation, facial palsy, teeth, sinusitis, disruption of the thyroid gland, knee and ankle joints, depression, thighs, tonsillitis, and blood circulation in the legs and feet

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
ST 1 | Chengqi | Tear Container |
ST 2 | Sibai | Four Whites |
ST 3 | Juliao | Great Bone Hole |
ST 4 | Dicang | Earth Granary |
ST 5 | Daying | Great Reception |
ST 6 | Jiache | Jawbone |
ST 7 | Xiaguan | Below the Joint |
ST 8 | Touwei | Head Corner |
ST 9 | Renying | Man’s Prognosis |
ST 10 | Shuitu | Water Prominence |
ST 11 | Qishe | Qi Abode |
ST 12 | Quepen | Empty Basin |
ST 13 | Qihu | Qi Door |
ST 14 | Kufang | Storeroom |
ST 15 | Wuyi | Roof |
ST 16 | Yingchuang | Breast Window |
ST 17 | Ruzhong | Breast Center |
ST 18 | Rugen | Breast Root |
ST 19 | Burong | Not Contained |
ST 20 | Chengman | Assuming Fullness |
ST 21 | Liangmen | Beam Gate |
ST 22 | Guanmen | Pass Gate |
ST 23 | Taiyi | Supreme Unity |
ST 24 | Huaroumen | Slippery Flesh Gate |
ST 25 | Tianshu | Celestial Pivot |
ST 26 | Wailing | Outer Mound |
ST 27 | Daju | Great Gigantic |
ST 28 | Shuidao | Waterway |
ST 29 | Guilai | Return |
ST 30 | Qi Chong | Surging Qi |
ST 31 | Biguan | Thigh Joint |
ST 32 | Futu | Crouching Rabbit |
ST 33 | Yinshi | Yin Market |
ST 34 | Liangqiu | Beam Hill |
ST 35 | Dubi | Calf’s Nose |
ST 36 | Zusanli | Leg Three Li |
ST 37 | Shangjuxu | Upper Great Hollow |
ST 38 | Tiaokou | Ribbon Opening |
ST 39 | Xiajuxu | Lower Great Hollow |
ST 40 | Fenglong | Beautiful Bulge |
ST 41 | Jiexi | Ravine Divide |
ST 42 | Chongyang | Surging Yang |
ST 43 | Xiangu | Sunken Valley |
ST 44 | Neiting | Inner Court |
ST 45 | Lidui | Severe Mouth |
Spleen Meridian (SP), a.k.a. Foot Tai Yin
Associated with – Eczema, digestive disorders, sinusitis, problems with male and female genital organs, inflamed gums and mucous membranes of the mouth, chest illnesses, mouth ulcers, dysfunction of the hypophysis, and dysbacteriosis

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
SP 1 | Yinbai | Hidden White |
SP 2 | Dadu | Great Metropolis |
SP 3 | Taibai | Supreme White |
SP 4 | Gongsun | Yellow Emperor |
SP 5 | Shangqiu | Shang Hill |
SP 6 | Sanyinjiao | Three Yin Intersection |
SP 7 | Lougu | Leaking Valley |
SP 8 | Diji | Earth’s Crux |
SP 9 | Yinlingquan | Yin Mound Spring |
SP 10 | Xuehai | Sea of Blood |
SP 11 | Jimen | Winnower Gate |
SP 12 | Chongmen | Surging Gate |
SP 13 | Fushe | Bowel Abode |
SP 14 | Fujie | Abdominal Bind |
SP 15 | Daheng | Great Horizontal |
SP 16 | Fuai | Abdominal Lament |
SP 17 | Shidou | Food Hole |
SP 18 | Tianxi | Celestial Ravine |
SP 19 | Xiongxiang | Chest Village |
SP 20 | Zhourong | All-Round Flourishing |
SP 21 | Dabao | Great Embracement |
Heart Meridian (HT), a.k.a. Hand Shao Yin
Associated with – Insomnia, upper wisdom teeth, laryngitis, restlessness and fear, blood vessels, heart problems, neurasthenia, arm and shoulder pain, and concentration power

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
HT 1 | Ji Quan | Highest Spring |
HT 2 | Qing Ling | Cyan Spirit |
HT 3 | Shao Hai | Lesser Sea |
HT 4 | Ling Dao | Spirit Pathway |
HT 5 | Tong Li | Connecting Li |
HT 6 | Yin Xi | Yin Cleft |
HT 7 | Shen Men | Spirit Gate |
HT 8 | Shao Fu | Lesser Mansion |
HT 9 | Shao Chong | Lesser Surge |
Small Intestine Meridian (SI), a.k.a. Hand Tai Yang
Associated with – Bronchitis, recurring fever, skin disorders, stomach disorders, elbow and shoulder pain, rheumatic disorders, uterus-related troubles, tinnitus, dental problems, ear infections, and pulmonary dysfunction

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
SI 1 | Shao Ze | Lesser Marsh |
SI 2 | Qian Gu | Front Valley |
SI 3 | Hou Xi | Back Ravine |
SI 4 | Wan Gu | Wrist Bone |
SI 5 | Yang Gu | Yang Valley |
SI 6 | Yang Lao | Nursing the Aged |
SI 7 | Zhin Zheng | Branch to the Correct |
SI 8 | Xiao Hai | Small Sea |
SI 9 | Jian Zhen | True Shoulder |
SI 10 | Nao Shu | Upper Arm Shu |
SI 11 | Tian Zong | Celestial Gathering |
SI 12 | Bing Feng | Grasping the Wind |
SI 13 | Qu Yuan | Crooked Wall |
SI 14 | Jian Wai Shu | Outer Shoulder Shu |
SI 15 | Jian Zhong Shu | Central Shoulder Shu |
SI 16 | Tian Chuang | Celestial Windows |
SI 17 | Tian Rong | Celestial Countenance |
SI 18 | Quan Liao | Cheek Bone Hole |
SI 19 | Ting Gong | Auditory Palace |
Urinary Bladder Meridian (UB), a.k.a. Foot Tai Yang
Associated with – Sinusitis, problems related to the sexual organs, chronic cystitis, ear pain and infections, headaches, spinal dysfunction, hemorrhoids, lumbar pain, sciatica, and eye disorders

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
UB 1 | Jing Ming | Bright Eyes |
UB 2 | Zan Zhu | Bamboo Gathering |
UB 3 | Mei Chong | Eyebrow Ascension |
UB 4 | Qu Cha | Deviating Turn |
UB 5 | Wu Chu | Fifth Place |
UB 6 | Cheng Guang | Light Guard |
UB 7 | Tong Tian | Celestial Connection |
UB 8 | Luo Que | Declining Connection |
UB 9 | Yu Zhen | Jade Pillow |
UB 10 | Tian Zhu | Celestial Pillar |
UB 11 | Da Zhu | Great Shuttle |
UB 12 | Feng Men | Wind Gate |
UB 13 | Fei Shu | Lung Shu |
UB 14 | Jue Yin Shu | Pericardium Shu |
UB 15 | Xin Shu | Heart Shu |
UB 16 | Du Shu | Governing Shu |
UB 17 | Ge Shu | Diaphragm Shu |
UB 18 | Gan Shu | Liver Shu |
UB 19 | Dan Shu | Gallbladder Shu |
UB 20 | Pi Shu | Spleen Shu |
UB 21 | Wei Shu | Stomach Shu |
UB 22 | San Jiao Shu | Triple Burner Shu |
UB 23 | Shen Shu | Kidney Shu |
UB 24 | Qi Hai Shu | Sea of Qi Shu |
UB 25 | Da Chang Shu | Large Intestine Shu |
UB 26 | Guan Yuan Shu | Origin Pass Shu |
UB 27 | Xiao Chang Shu | Small Intestine Shu |
UB 28 | Pang Guang Shu | Bladder Shu |
UB 29 | Zhong Lu Shu | Central Backbone Shu |
UB 30 | Bai Huan Shu | White Ring Shu |
UB 31 | Shang Liao | Upper Bone Hole |
UB 32 | Ci Liao | Second Bone Hole |
UB 33 | Zhong Liao | Central Bone Hole |
UB 34 | Xia Liao | Lower Bone Hole |
UB 35 | Hui Yang | Meeting of Yang |
UB 36 | Cheng Fu | Support |
UB 37 | Yin Men | Gate of Abundance |
UB 38 | Fu Xi | Superficial Cleft |
UB 39 | Wei Yang | Bend Yang |
UB 40 | Wei Zhong | Bend Middle |
UB 41 | Fu Fen | Attached Branch |
UB 42 | Po Hu | Po Door |
UB 43 | Gao Huang Shu | Vital Center Shu |
UB 44 | Shen Tang | Spirit Hall |
UB 45 | Yi Xi | Yi Xi |
UB 46 | Ge Guan | Diaphragm Pass |
UB 47 | Hun Men | Hun Gate |
UB 48 | Yang Gang | Yang Headrope |
UB 49 | Yi She | Reflection Abode |
UB 50 | Wei Cang | Stomach Granary |
UB 51 | Huang Men | Huang Gate |
UB 52 | Zhi Shi | Will Chamber |
UB 53 | Bao Huang | Bladder Huang |
UB 54 | Zhi Bian | Sequential Limit |
UB 55 | He Yang | Yang Union |
UB 56 | Cheng Jin | Sinew Support |
UB 57 | Cheng Shan | Mountain Support |
UB 58 | Fei Yang | Taking Flight |
UB 59 | Fu Yang | Instep Yang |
UB 60 | Kun Lun | Kunlun Mountains |
UB 61 | Pu Can | Subservient Visitor |
UB 62 | Shen Mai | Extending Vessel |
UB 63 | Jin Men | Metal Gate |
UB 64 | Jing Gu | Capital Bone |
UB 65 | Shu Gu | Bundle Bone |
UB 66 | Tong Gu | Valley Passage |
UB 67 | Zhi Yin | Reaching Yin |
Kidney Meridian (KD), a.k.a. Foot Shao Yin
Associated with – Muscle cramping, weak bones, lower spine problems, prostate, kidney stones, weak eyesight, memory loss, bone marrow disruptions, Fallopian tubes, chronic ear infection or pain, uterine disorders, rheumatism

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
KD 1 | Yongquan | Gushing Spring |
KD 2 | Rangu | Blazing Valley |
KD 3 | Taixi | Great Ravine |
KD 4 | Dazhong | Large Goblet |
KD 5 | Shuiquan | Water Spring |
KD 6 | Zhaohai | Shining Sea |
KD 7 | Fuliu | Recover Flow |
KD 8 | Jiaoxin | Intersection Reach |
KD 9 | Zhubin | Guest House |
KD 10 | Yingu | Yin Valley |
KD 11 | Henggu | Pubic Bone |
KD 12 | Dahe | Great Manifestation |
KD 13 | Qixue | Qi Hole |
KD 14 | Siman | Fourfold Fullness |
KD 15 | Zhongzhu | Central Flow |
KD 16 | Huangshu | Vitals Shu |
KD 17 | Shangqu | Shang Bend |
KD 18 | Shiguan | Stone Pass |
KD 19 | Yin Du | Yin Metropolis |
KD 20 | Tonggu | Open Valley |
KD 21 | Youmen | Dark Gate |
KD 22 | Bulang | Corridor Walk |
KD 23 | Shenfeng | Spirit Seal |
KD 24 | Lingxu | Spirit Ruins |
KD 25 | Shencang | Spirit Storehouse |
KD 26 | Yuzhong | Lively Center |
KD 27 | Shufu | Shu Mansion |
Pericardium Meridian (PC), a.k.a. Hand Jue Yin
Associated with – Blood pressure abnormalities, thorax pain, Raynaud’s syndrome, recurring fever, various inflammations and swellings, gastritis, spasms, temperature fluctuations of the body, hiatus hernia, hysteria, sweating of the palms, heart-related problems

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
PC 1 | Tian Chi | Celestial Pool |
PC 2 | Tian Quan | Celestial Spring |
PC 3 | Qu Ze | Marsh at the Bend |
PC 4 | Xi Men | Xi Cleft Gate |
PC 5 | Jian Shi | Intermediary Courier |
PC 6 | Nei Guan | Inner Pass |
PC 7 | Da Ling | Great Mound |
PC 8 | Lao Gong | Palace of Toil |
PC 9 | Zhong Chong | Central Hub |
Triple Heater Meridian (TH), a.k.a. Hand Shao Yang
Associated with – Deafness, jaw and cheek pain, tennis elbow, headache, shoulder stiffness, fever, sore throats, shivers, hyper- and hypo-function of glands

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
TH 1 | Guanchong | Passage Hub |
TH 2 | Yemen | Humor Gate |
TH 3 | Zhongzhu | Central Islet |
TH 4 | Yangchi | Yang Pool |
TH 5 | Waiguan | Outer Pass |
TH 6 | Zhigou | Branch Ditch |
TH 7 | Huizong | Convergence and Gathering |
TH 8 | Sanyangluo | Three Yang Connection |
TH 9 | Sidu | Four Rivers |
TH 10 | Tianjing | Celestial Well |
TH 11 | Qinglengyuan | Clear Cold Abyss |
TH 12 | Xiaolou | Dispersing Riverbed |
TH 13 | Naohui | Upper Arm Convergence |
TH 14 | Jianliao | Shoulder Bone Hole |
TH 15 | Tianliao | Celestial Bone Hole |
TH 16 | Tianyou | Celestial Window |
TH 17 | Yifeng | Wind Screen |
TH 18 | Qimai | Spasm Vessel |
TH 19 | Luxi | Skull Rest |
TH 20 | Jiaosun | Angle Vertex |
TH 21 | Ermen | Ear Gate |
TH 22 | Erheliao | Harmony Bone Hole |
TH 23 | Sizhukong | Silk Bamboo Hole |
Gallbladder Meridian (GB), a.k.a. Foot Shaoyang
Associated with – Teeth disorders, tonsillitis, neck cramps and stiffness, bronchial illness, issues with the temporomandibular joint, eye problems, ankle and knee joint troubles, illnesses of the hip joints, pain in finger, hand, and shoulder joints, stomatitis, mouth ulcers, parotitis, depression

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
GB 1 | Tong Zi Liao | Pupil Bone Hole |
GB 2 | Ting Hui | Auditory Convergence |
GB 3 | Shang Guan | Upper Gate |
GB 4 | Han Yan | Forehead Fullness |
GB 5 | Xuan Lu | Suspended Skull |
GB 6 | Xuan Li | Suspended Tuft |
GB 7 | Qu Bin | Temporal Hairline Curve |
GB 8 | Shuai Gu | Valley Lead |
GB 9 | Tian Chong | Celestial Hub |
GB 10 | Fu Bai | Floating White |
GB 11 | Tou Qiao Yin | Head Portal Yin |
GB 12 | Wan Gu | Completion Bone |
GB 13 | Ben Shen | Root Spirit |
GB 14 | Yang Bai | Yang White |
GB 15 | Tou Lin Qi | Head Overlooking Tears |
GB 16 | Mu Chuang | Eye Windows |
GB 17 | Zheng Ying | Upright Construction |
GB 18 | Cheng Ling | Spirit Support |
GB 19 | Nao Kong | Brain Hollow |
GB 20 | Feng Chi | Wind Pool |
GB 21 | Jian Jing | Shoulder Well |
GB 22 | Yuan Ye | Armpit Abyss |
GB 23 | Zhe Jin | Sinew Seat |
GB 24 | Ri Yue | Sun and Moon |
GB 25 | Jing Men | Capital Gate |
GB 26 | Dai Mai | Girdling Vessel |
GB 27 | Wu Shu | Fifth Pivot |
GB 28 | Wei Dao | Linking Path |
GB 29 | Ju Liao | Squatting Bone Hole |
GB 30 | Huan Tiao | Jumping Round |
GB 31 | Feng Shi | Wind Market |
GB 32 | Zhong Du | Central River |
GB 33 | Xi Yang Guan | Knee Yang Joint |
GB 34 | Yang Ling Quan | Yang Mound Spring |
GB 35 | Yang Jiao | Yang Intersection |
GB 36 | Wai Qiu | Outer Hill |
GB 37 | Guang Ming | Bright Light |
GB 38 | Yang Fu | Yang Assistance |
GB 39 | Xuan Zhong (Jue Gu) | Suspended Bell (Severed Bone) |
GB 40 | Qiu Xu | Hill Ruins |
GB 41 | Zu Lin Qi | Foot Overlooking Tears |
GB 42 | Di Wu Hui | Earth Fivefold Convergence |
GB 43 | Xia Xi | Pinched Ravine |
GB 44 | Zu Qiao Yin | Foot Portal Yin |
Liver Meridian (LV), a.k.a. Foot Jue Yin
Associated with – Thyroid and parathyroid disturbances, prostate disorders, fatigue syndrome, uterus troubles, sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, periodontitis, capillary bleeding, gallbladder and bile duct diseases, male and female genital organs, illnesses of the breasts

Points | Chinese Name | English Name |
LV 1 | Da Dun | Large Pile |
LV 2 | Xing Jian | Moving Between |
LV 3 | Tai Chong | Great Surge |
LV 4 | Zhong Feng | Mound Center |
LV 5 | Li Gou | Woodworm Canal |
LV 6 | Zhong Du | Central Metropolis |
LV 7 | Xi Guan | Knee Joint |
LV 8 | Qu Quan | Spring at the Bend |
LV 9 | Yin Bao | Yin Bladder |
LV 10 | Zu Wu Li | Foot Five Li |
LV 11 | Yin Lian | Yin Corner |
LV 12 | Ji Mai | Urgent Pulse |
LV 13 | Zhang Men | Camphorwood Gate |
LV 14 | Qi Men | Cycle Gate |
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Before you go in for any acupressure treatment, please consult a medical professional.