There are very few side effects associated with the alternative or natural treatments for eczema. Presented in this article are natural methods to treat eczema.
Eczema is a skin disorder characterized by inflamed, red and flaky skin. It is yet not known what exactly causes eczema. Certain conditions like stress, exposure to pollution, diet, use of certain cosmetics and even exposure to certain chemicals leads to this disease. This skin disease is not limited to any age group and can be found in people of any age group. People suffering from eczema constantly have an urge to itch the affected area. This causes the boils to open and bleed. These open sores can also lead to infection.
Eczema Treatments
The treatment of eczema aims in getting rid of the itching and prevention of dryness of skin. According to the traditional eczema treatment, steroids are used to treat the inflammation and get rid of the other symptoms of eczema like redness and itching.
At the same time, when suffering from eczema, one experiences severe dryness of skin. Therefore, the traditional eczema treatment involves use of steroids as well as lotions and emollients to moisturize the skin. This treatment method is very effective and has found to be very helpful in treating eczema. However, it may not be completely effective in some people. Certain people may also experience side effects on taking steroids. In that case, people look for alternative treatments for eczema. There are several natural methods that help in treating this condition. Let us know more about them.
Natural Treatments for Eczema
As diet is believed to be one of the factors causing eczema; a change in diet can greatly help get rid of this condition. Along with the medications, consumption of foods rich in certain nutrients like Omega 3 oils and vitamin E, etc. is also helpful. Omega 3 oil is found in oils like the flaxseed oil. Similarly, vitamin E is also found in vegetable oils and nuts. Vitamin E oil is also commercially available in the market which can be used for treating eczema. Using vitamin E oil is the best natural method to treat children and infants.
Secondly, consuming foods rich in essential fatty acids like oily fish, tuna, etc., also helps in treatment of inflammation. On the other hand, people suffering from eczema should also stay away from foods causing allergies in order to prevent triggering of eczema. Following natural remedies will be helpful to you:
- As mentioned above, oils have been proven to be best natural products for the treatment of eczema. Applying coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, olive oil or even salmon oil directly to the affected area can help in getting rid of the inflammation.
- Similarly, due to its anti-allergic properties, neem oil is also one of the best natural remedies to treat inflammation as well as itching caused due to eczema.
- At the same time, certain herbal products like burdock root, German chamomile, Roman chamomile and goldenrod, etc. also help in treating inflammation.
- Sandalwood paste has a cooling effect on the body and can help in getting rid of itching. You can apply sandalwood paste directly to the affected area.
- Oatmeal paste (oatmeal mixed with water) is also another remedy to treat eczema. This paste should also be applied directly to the affected area.
- Lastly, water or cool compress is one of the oldest yet best method to treat itching caused during eczema. You can apply cold compress over the affected area for a soothing effect.
These are some of the popular treatment methods for eczema that are effective in alleviating the symptoms. However, you should get the condition diagnosed and also consult the doctor before following any of the above mentioned treatment. Take care!