If you are looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, then you are on the right page. Indian Ayurveda, the traditional Indian life science, encourages people to use naturally available medicines which come with minimum or almost no side effects. Scroll down to know about some Ayurvedic home remedies for diabetes.
Traditional Ayurvedic medicines have been used by Indians since thousands of years. In this modern world, Ayurvedic medicines are gaining more and more popularity, as they cause least or no side effects. If you are interested in the most natural approach to diabetes, then you should take to Ayurvedic medicines. Type 1 diabetes or ‘insulin dependent diabetes’ is considered as an irreversible condition.
It is a chronic type of diabetes caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce sufficient insulin, the hormone which promotes normal glucose levels in the blood. When despite the presence of sufficient insulin in the blood, the body cells do not absorb the glucose from the blood, this condition is called ‘insulin resistance’. This can lead to type 2 diabetes. If detected at an early stage, type 2 diabetes can be reversed.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes
It is mentioned in Ayurveda that toxins which lead to illness are generated by both emotional and physical factors. Therefore, diet and lifestyle are mainly held responsible for unstable blood glucose levels. Certain genetic factors are also responsible for the development of diabetes. Ayurveda encourages to search for the root cause of the disease, and then suggests natural herbs to treat the same.
Ayurvedic medicines do not contain any chemicals. Ayurvedic doctors lay stress on improving bad eating and sleeping habits. They recommend a healthy diet and lifestyle. Avoiding sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise) and avoiding eating excess food or wrong food (for example, fish and yogurt) is what is expected from patients. Yoga, meditation and exercise are all parts of Ayurvedic medicines. They help lower stress, and they also help enhance the flow of hormones in the body. Hormonal imbalance is the root cause of several diseases and disorders, including diabetes.
The herb Gymnema sylvestre has been used in India to treat diabetes type 1 and 2 since thousands of years. It helps destroy excess sugar in the blood. Regular consumption of this herb helps reduce the need for insulin. It helps lower fasting blood glucose levels significantly. Gymnemic acid present in the herb helps enhance the production of beta cells. It also helps raise HDL (good cholesterol levels); while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol levels) and triglycerides levels. This prevents obesity; which can otherwise lead to diabetes. This herb curbs sugar cravings and improves the digestive health.
Fresh juice or extract of the unripe bitter melon (bitter gourd) can effectively lower blood glucose levels. The fruits, leaves and extracts of the bitter gourd vine Momordica charantia carry insulin like medicinal properties. Pure shilajit (asphaltum), cinnamon, black cumin seeds tea (wild cumin seeds), jamun seed powder (powdered seeds of eugenia jambolana), also help lower the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. Turmeric, neem and amalaki are also recommended to diabetic patients as nutritional and medicinal supplements. All these medicines help lower and manage the symptoms of diabetes.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
Various studies have shown that Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes help reverse type 2 diabetes. Regular consumption of aloe vera, psyllium husk, fenugreek seeds and fenugreek as a vegetable, onion, garlic, bitter gourd, jamun juice, cinnamon bark, extract of Indian kino tree, etc., help lower high blood sugar levels. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes helps lower the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination, insulin resistance, and excessive thirst and hunger. Moreover, they help get rid of toxins from the body as they work like detoxifying agents. They thus help strengthen your immune system. This reduces the chances of frequent infections.
Indian ginseng ashwagandha is also used to treat diabetes. The herb salacia oblonga helps lower blood sugar levels significantly, as it binds to the intestinal enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of glucose. The antioxidant vitamin C from amla and other fruits work great for diabetes. You can keep green plantain peels in a jar of water overnight, and can drink the water three times the next day. This helps lower high blood sugar levels. Manganese plays an important role in the production of natural insulin. So, manganese rich foods like nuts, grains, fruits and green leaves of edible plants should be regularly consumed.
Although Ayurvedic medicines do not cause any side effects, excessive consumption of any herb or fruit juice may cause abdominal discomfort. Those with hypoglycemia should particularly watch their doses, because high doses can lower the sugar levels dangerously. According to Ayurveda, a person diagnosed with diabetes should follow a healthy diet consisting of natural fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole meal bread and dairy products. The person should avoid cooked starchy foods, oily or fried foods, heavy meals, and sugary desserts. Those diagnosed with diabetes should take 4 – 5 small meals a day, rather than 2 – 3 large meals.
The number of people getting diagnosed with diabetes is increasing day by day. Not only adults but children are also being diagnosed and treated for diabetes. According to the available statistics, about 5 – 10% of diabetic Americans have type 1 diabetes. Diabetes, being a chronic disorder, the patient needs to take medicines for the rest of his life. Excessive consumption of medicines can result in several side effects, and it can weaken the bodily systems in several ways. Health complications arising out of diabetes can lead to lifetime disability or they can prove to be fatal. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes helps manage the disease as it involves use of natural medicines that promote stable blood sugar levels. Simple dietary alterations and lifestyle changes can help enjoy the benefits of Ayurvedic remedies.