The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of the body that is responsible for maintaining good health. A homemade colon cleanse is considered good by many, but how safe is it? Find an answer to this question in the ensuing Buzzle article.
We often realize that something is wrong with the colon only when we feel constipated. If this is just a one-off happening, it could be neglected, but when constipation becomes regular and chronic, there surely is something very wrong in the colon. It is blocked and unable to pass out the digested food. To make matters worse, it is pulling out water from the digested food, making it even harder and difficult to pass out. This is when most of us begin searching for ways to get rid of the condition as early as possible.
Very few would try to understand as to why this has happened in the first place. As long as there is something that can improve the situation, it is OK with most of us. A colon cleanse is one such remedy that helps in cleaning and flushing out the colon of all the harmful toxins that have accumulated over a period.
Types of Colon Cleanse
There are several ways in which, a colon cleanse can be performed. Fasting is the most common way to perform the cleansing. Total fasting, water fasting, fruit fasting, etc., are different methods for performing a colon cleanse. Herbal cleanse is another way where a variety of herbs are used to free your colon of toxins and eliminate them. Enemas are another way of cleansing, and is easy to practice at home, but many do not prefer this because it could be a messy affair if not done properly. Homemade cleansers are another way, which is widely used today. They are used a lot in combination to fasting.
The Risks
Most of the homemade colon cleanse recipes that you come across may have some branded ingredient that you will have to buy separately. This could just be a way of selling the product. These product manufacturers sell you just this ingredient with all other ingredients available easily at home. They drill it into you that a cleanse is necessary for everyone to be healthy and keep away from disease. The process will not harm anyone, but could be dangerous if not formulated correctly.
There is a tendency of overdoing the cleansing procedure at home. Many assume that this is a way of flushing out the toxins sooner. Doing this is not good and could lead to complications. If you are doing an enema on your own at home, make sure to be careful. Use equipment that is sterilized properly; negligence of which could lead to bacterial infection. Also, make sure to be gentle, and not cause damage to your intestinal wall. A rupture in your intestinal wall is not the easiest to treat, and could be really painful.
Total fasting can have serious problems. When you fast without having anything, your liver is working overtime flushing out all the toxins. This is because, the toxins get into the colon, and get absorbed by the body. These toxins are re-circulated, and reach the liver again, putting an unnecessary load on the liver. Water fasting or juice fasting will help to avoid such a situation, as the toxins will be flushed out of the body and not re-circulated.
Natural Ways to Avoid Colon Problems
Have you seriously thought as to why colon problems occur in the first place? Well, it is due to eating junk food containing fat, refined flour, and almost everything that is unhealthy. Timings to eat hardly exist. We have developed a tendency to live more on aerated drinks. We have stopped eating to live, instead many of us live to eat; eat just about any and everything that comes our way. We never think before gobbling down that dinner consisting a huge barely cooked beef steak with oil dripping fried potatoes, gulped down with anything but water. How do you suppose this is going to be broken down and get digested? How is it going to pass smoothly through your system?
The solution to most colon problems, starts and ends with a change in the diet. No need to change it drastically, just eat sensibly. No need to abstain from eating meat, just add a lot of fiber to your diet. Fiber helps move the food smoothly from the time it enters your body till it is eliminated. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber. No need to stop eating your favorite burger as long as you don’t make it a regular feature in your diet; just make sure that you down it with a fiber-rich food item and a lot of water (not some aerated drink). Water should be a constant throughout the day. Make sure you have at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. The beneficial effects will show immediately. Whatever you eat, eat slowly and chew properly. Don’t just gulp down your food.
Remember: Eating food fast, and eating fast-food are both bad for digestion and your colon. Your system will find it difficult to digest wrong food as well as wrongly eaten food. Eat slowly chewing your food properly, and as far as possible, don’t make fast-food a habit that you can’t do without.