A massage oil which is also edible? Well, that might surprise you, but what will surprise you even further is that such oils are available and are very popular. Massaging with a specific formulation of edible oil gives you an enjoyment and pleasure that is beyond comparison. It is an extremely fine way of refreshment. The luscious and aromatic scent is a definite mood booster. Go ahead, give it a try, or do it for someone you love!
The best thing after a massage…. Uh, nothing! The pleasure that a soothing body massage brings to you is beyond explanation and can only be experienced to know its true worth.
The strongest form of expression of your love and care for someone, a massage is often a magical treat. It is a great way of enhancing a love relationship. Did you know that the effect heightens if you use edible oils. They are delightfully silky, smooth, and they produce a warming effect as soon as you rub them over the body. Market shelves are loaded with plenty of varieties of edible massage oils, but you can make one by yourself, too. You just have to follow any one of the three recipes listed below.
▶ Massage Oil Recipe using Edible Oil
Take ¼ cup each of glycerin, honey, vanilla extract, and a few drops of a flavoring agent of your choice. Some of them commonly used are almond, vanilla, and coffee. Mix all the ingredients in their recommended quantities. The resulting mixture is a water soluble, edible massage oil lotion. Store it in a refrigerator. Take it out and use it whenever you feel you want to energize yourself or someone you love. The shelf life of this homemade massage oil is 2-3 months.
Take ⅓ a cup each of sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, and ½ a teaspoon of any flavoring agent of your choice. Mix and shake all the ingredients well. Pour it in a bottle and store it in a cool and dry place and use it whenever required. Warm it up a bit by putting the bottle in a hot water bath before using it for a massage. Its shelf life is 1-2 months.
Mix ½ a teaspoon of grape seed oil, 5 drops of coconut oil, 6 drops of olive oil, 4 drops of honey, and 5 drops of glycerin in a small container. Add a couple of drops of any flavoring agent of your choice. Mix and shake them well. You can either store it in a cool place or make it instantly before use.