Written by Nigel Ford
More and more people are turning to natural herbal alternatives to help them with physical and mental ailments. Anecdotal and scientific evidence is proving that these medicines – which ancient medical systems have used for thousands of years – can have a fantastic impact on the health and well-being of people.
In this article we’re going to talk about some of the best herbs that you can use to boost your mood. These are great options to try before you go to the doctor to seek antidepressants or other pharmaceuticals.
(However, if you’re struggling with serious depression or suicidal thoughts, you should see a trained professional instead of relying solely on herbal medicine).
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort is acknowledged as being one of the most powerful antidepressant herbs that you can find.
St. John’s Wort actually shares the same mechanism of action that most commonly-prescribed antidepressants utilize. It functions as an SSRI, or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. SSRIs help your body make more use of the serotonin that it produces, which can help to balance your mood.
St. John’s Wort is not as powerful as clinical antidepressants, but it can work wonders without causing side effects.
There are several types of ginseng, and several other herbs which are occasionally referred to as ginseng. The two main types, Korean (Panax) and American Ginseng, are known as adaptogenic herbs.
Adaptogens are wonderful herbs in the sense that they can provide different effects depending on the needs of the person taking it. One of the things that ginseng can do is help people balance their mood.
On its own, ginseng isn’t much of a subjective mood enhancer. However, for those struggling with low mood caused by depression or hormonal imbalances, ginseng can help your body adapt to these circumstances so that you feel better.
Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola is another adaptogenic herb that has an impressive number of medicinal benefits. In addition to helping fight pain, improving the speed of wound healing, fighting dementia, and improving digestion, gotu kola can also be useful for helping people work through depression.
Gotu kola also functions as a nootropic and a cognitive enhancer. This means that it can help you to better understand the causes and underlying factors affecting your low mood.
Bacopa is a powerful herb that’s been used in Indian medicine for many thousands of years. It has a number of powerful cognitive benefits, and it can help to bring mental stability.
The cognitive enhancement effects of bacopa are impressive and far-reaching. It has been used to help fight anxiety, improve depression, and enhance mental clarity.
Rhodiola rosea is a herb that grows in Africa and in parts of Asia. It has been a useful component of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years.
Rhodiola is a powerfully stimulating adaptogenic herb that also has the ability to fight anxiety, stress, and depression. This puts it in a unique position for people who struggle with lethargy, low motivation, or anxiety.
In many cases, commonly-used stimulants like coffee can contribute to anxiety. Rhodiola can provide long-lasting stimulation and may actually help to reduce anxiety.