A hypertrophic scar is a red, raised scar that can certainly become a cause of cosmetic concern for the affected person. The following HolisticZine write-up provides information on ways to treat this skin condition.
A hypertrophic scar is a red, raised scar that develops due to the accumulation of excessive amounts of collagen at the site of an injury. It is most likely to develop, if there’s a lot of tension on the healing wound. It is characterized by a red, puffy, raised, and stiff area on the skin. The affected skin might be sensitive to touch and may also itch at times.
There are limitations in the treatment methods for this skin condition, as the scar is of a recurring nature. However, in most cases, it might get resolved on its own with time. There are chances that the scar might shrink considerably and lighten in color after some years, making it less conspicuous to the eye. Keeping this aspect in mind, most people are advised to follow a wait-and-watch approach, before undergoing a medical procedure.
Drug Therapy
The treatment of hypertrophic scars often involves the use of steroid injections. The injections might be administered every four to six weeks. Gradually, the scar will begin to lighten in color and reduce in size. The healing process is slow, but with minimal side effects.
Natural Remedies
Patients may also be advised to follow some home remedies involving the application of:
- A paste of sandalwood and black gram
- Ice cubes
- Cucumber and lemon juice
- Vitamin E oil
- Aloe vera gel
- Cocoa butter
If you don’t see any results, you can opt for laser treatment. This technology destroys the blood vessels of the affected area. This makes way for generation of new cells and collagen growth, which facilitates healing. However, certain side effects are associated with this treatment.
Another treatment involves the use of silicon sheets. Here, silicon sheets are placed over the affected area while exerting some pressure. With time, the scar is likely to shrink with multiple applications of such sheets. Although, according to experts, this method works well for new scars, it may work for old ones as well.
If these procedures do not produce desired results, you can opt for surgery for the removal of the scar. Post surgery, patients are advised to use gel or silicon oil. Side effects associated with the surgery include the risk of infection and recurrence of the scar. The healing may get delayed and sometimes the need of an additional surgery might arise.
On a concluding note, there aren’t many options for treating a hypertrophic scar. So, the best you can do is to address it at the earliest, as new scars can be easily tackled than the old stubborn ones.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.