The major causes for loose stools are food intolerance and poor diet plan. For temporary cases, following a healthy diet along with some self care tips are effective for the management and treatment of this condition. This article provides some information on the same.
Diarrhea, loose stools, and loose motions mean nearly the same health problem, i.e. passing watery stools frequently. Affecting people of all age groups, diarrhea is a common condition observed in kids. When combined with other notable symptoms, this common digestive problem may signify underlying medical conditions. One needs to be aware of the probable causes of loose stools, so that this problem can be avoided in future. Also, confirming the same is imperative to adopt the correct treatment approaches.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), loose stools that accompany weakness signs are identified under Spleen Qi Deficiency. Furthermore, the main triggering factors are poor diet and stress. Also, the reasons for this condition are many, and may signify a mild digestive health problem or some serious medical complications. Hence, ruling out the probable causes is the first and foremost step to promptly address this discomfort bowel problem. Mild watery stools are related to poor digestion and consumption of unhealthy food items.
Based on the length of diarrhea episode, loose stools can be an acute condition or a chronic problem. While the former lasts for a few days to a week’s period, chronic diarrhea continues for several weeks. Loose stools after the consumption of specific foods is a case of acute or temporary condition, and will subside within a week or so. The same is applicable to loose motions triggered by poor diet and food poisoning. On the other hand, chronic diarrhea may be a referred sign of gluten allergy, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Whipple’s disease, and life-threatening bowel cancer.
Before one searches the medicine cabinet, or makes a visit to the pharmaceutical store for loose stool medication, one should try effectual diarrhea home remedies to manage the condition. Taken at a glance, the treatment options for this bowel problem depend upon the causes. For example, if diarrhea after eating is related to food intolerance or sensitivity to certain food items, the treatment would involve the identification of the foods, and avoiding them in the daily diet. Likewise, natural remedies for loose stools vary according to the cause.
- In Traditional Chinese Medicine, consumption of dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables, fried foods, and carbonated drinks exacerbate qi deficiency. Hence, avoiding them is a part of the treatment regime for this bowel problem.
- Other foods to be eliminated during the episode of passing loose motions are caffeine, fatty foods, and spicy foods. Making changes in the daily diet plan and limiting intake of triggering food items are effectual for restoring normal bowel movement.
- Sipping warm cinnamon tea and ginger tea helps in reducing the frequency of passing watery stools. The point is to avoid foods that make the body cold, while increasing warm foods and beverages.
- Coming to diarrhea diet, banana, rice, applesauce, and toast (simply abbreviated as BRAT) are considered to be the best foods for consumption during the diarrhea episode.
- Also drink healthy fluids to reduce the risk of dehydration, especially for the cases of loose stools in toddlers and children. For increased frequency of passing watery stools, consider taking electrolyte solutions to replenish lost salts.
- Last but not the least, take proper rest and follow proper stress management strategies. Physical exertion and any form of stress may worsen diarrhea, and lengthen the course of this bowel problem.
In case, loose motions persist for more than a week, it is recommended to consult a trusted doctor. The notable sign of colon cancer is irregular bowel movement, which encompasses loose stools, thin stools, hard stools, etc. Thus, for suspected chronic loose stools or chronic watery diarrhea, take medical attention as soon as possible. The doctor will perform colonoscopy and the necessary diagnostic procedures to diagnose the causes for chronic diarrhea. Accordingly, therapeutic intervention will be suggested for addressing this abnormal bowel movement condition.
Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.