Laxatives are foods, compounds, or drugs that are used for regularizing bowel movement in people affected by constipation. This article sheds some light on the natural laxatives that may be used for the purpose of losing weight.
Metabolism is the rate at which the body burns calories. Weight loss and metabolism are directly proportional. The faster the metabolism, the faster will the weight loss be. There are various factors that lead to weight gain or obesity such as eating disorders, lack of physical activity, etc. Poor bowel movement is also considered to be one of the contributing factors.
Weight Loss
Natural laxatives are foods that have a high fiber content. Fiber is the part of plants or carbohydrates that passes through our digestive tract without providing nutrition or calories. It generally provides relief from constipation. It is of two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water easily to form a gel-like substance. It slows digestion and makes people feel full for a longer period, thereby reducing the calorie intake or consumption of food. The insoluble type adds bulk to stools so they pass through the intestines faster. Some of the laxatives that may help in controlling weight are mentioned below:
Psyllium Husk: Psyllium husk, which is also known as Isabgol, is obtained from the seeds of the plant Plantago Ovata. It is high in soluble fiber. Hence, mixing 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk in a glass of water and drinking once or twice a day, may give good results.
Prune Juice: Prune juice is rich in soluble fiber, vitamin A, and minerals like iron and potassium. It shows immediate results in smoothening the bowel movements and can also be useful in losing weight.
Flaxseed: Having a tablespoon of flaxseed after meal either with prune juice or just a glass of water can help shed some pounds. Another way to use flaxseed is to sprinkle it on the food.
Lemon Juice: Having a glass of lemon juice instead of beverages like coffee or tea may aid in losing weight.
Brewer’s Yeast: Brewer’s yeast is a source of B-complex vitamins, chromium, and selenium, which help in breaking down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food. It enhances the body’s metabolic rate and also provides more energy.
Whether or not natural laxatives can help a person lose weight is still debatable. However, these are not likely to cause any harm to the body, which is why one can safely try them out. For more optimum results, one must exercise regularly and at the same time keep the body hydrated by drinking enough water.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.