If you are suffering from fungal skin infection, then read the upcoming HolisticZine article to get acquainted with some effective home remedies for skin fungus.
Skin is our outermost defense against many bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. However, due to moist, damp, or wet conditions, it is possible to develop a fungal skin infection. There are many types of skin infections, which include athlete’s foot, ringworm, tinea versicolor, yeast infection, jock itch, and many others. The general symptoms of such infections include rashes, itching, redness, skin shedding, and in severe cases bleeding. If you experience an itching on your skin, it is important to first clean the area. In case you are sure that you have a fungal infection, use the below remedies to get rid of it and prevent it from spreading to the other body parts or people.
Home Remedies for Fungal Infections
Given below are some effectual natural home remedies, a few home care measures, and over-the-counter (OTC) remedies. You can use a combination of remedies to get quick relief.
#1 Washing with Soap and Water
The first best thing you should do is to wash the affected skin area with soap and water. Due to the sweat, germs get accumulated on the skin. Wash the affected region with soap and water 2 – 3 times a day. Also, disinfect your hands properly after washing the affected area, otherwise the touch of your hands can spread the infection to other areas.
#2 Tea Tree Oil
This is one of the best natural remedies for skin fungus and many other types of infections. Dilute tea tree oil with jojoba oil in a 3:10 ratio, and apply it twice a day on the affected region. Tea tree oil is a powerful antibiotic and can be used to treat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Remember to further dilute the tea tree oil in case the solution causes irritation.
#3 Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be diluted and then dabbed on the infected skin region. If it causes irritation, then further dilute the vinegar. If you have a toenail fungus, then you can soak your feet in a solution of diluted vinegar for a few minutes.
#4 Use an OTC Antifungal Treatment
An OTC antifungal cream can also be used as a substitute for tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar. Buy a mild antifungal cream, and follow the instructions mentioned on the label. Dermisil AF is a completely natural product that can be used for treating athlete’s food fungus. Dermisil R is another excellent product that can be used for treating ringworm infection. You can use Selsun Blue shampoo to treat tinea versicolor. Dermisil J also is a great option for treating jock itch.
#5 Antifungal Powder
You can also sprinkle antifungal powder on the body areas that are susceptible to a fungal infection. For example, you can sprinkle the powder on your toenails and then wear socks or shoes to prevent a toenail fungus. You can also sprinkle the powder on regions like back and under arms that are susceptible to fungal infections.
#6 Wear Clean Clothes
If you easily develop skin infections, then it is important to wear clean undergarments, clothes, and socks. You can throw away the old clothes or soak them in an antiseptic solution to disinfect them so that the fungal growth if any is killed.
Use the above remedies to treat a mild skin fungal infection. However if your symptoms worsen or you can’t get rid of the infection within 2 weeks of usage, then consult a dermatologist immediately.
Disclaimer: This HolisticZine article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.