There are many forms of detox for the body, the liver cleanse detox is one effective method of releasing the toxins and poisons inside your body. Find more about this cleanse mentioned in the article below.
As most of us know, using a detoxification diet for a duration of a few days, can rid your body of the accumulated toxins and harmful poisons inside it. This practice at least once in a year will help keep your body free from unwanted diseases, side effects of the toxins and also the unnecessary fat depositions. Our liver is known to be the largest organ in the body, and it weighs up to 3 pounds.
There are many basic function of liver, such as production and excretion of bile, metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, blood detoxification and purification, and the storage of minerals, vitamins, etc. Because of these functions, there are various impurities or leftovers of the processes, which stay behind in the liver. These impurities are toxic and over accumulation of these can prove harmful for the organ and body. Thus a natural liver cleanse detox to flush them out is very essential, and can be done through a diet.
Purpose Behind the Detox
- Since the liver is a major organ which controls the detoxification of the blood, there are various types of impurities and toxins which are brought into the liver through the deoxygenated blood.
- These impurities are triggered because of external and internal factors such as, pollution, alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, oil and metabolic wastes respectively.
- All these are collected in the liver and usually excreted outside the body. But when there is an overload of these, the liver starts dysfunctioning and stresses other systems in the body.
- Due to this, there are various symptoms which are seen, such as lack of oxygen to the blood, respiratory disorders, kidney stones, weak digestion, etc.
- When the body starts showing such symptoms, it’s time for a detox, through a diet. The purpose for a detox is to flush out these impurities and clean the liver for better functioning.
Detox Diet
- You must have come across a number of detoxification diets which help release the impurities from your detox organs such as lungs, kidneys and liver. These diets are specifically designed for cleansing the liver naturally and flushing out all the toxins collected in it because of unhealthy foods, breath and metabolism.
- However, you have to temporarily cut down on all the major foods and fast on a liquid diet, for a duration of a few days (5 days). These diets are extremely strict, if you follow them, as detoxification may take time. You can consume liquids for the first 2 days, and then move on to lighter solid home cooked foods for the rest of this liver and gallbladder flush diet duration (3 days).
- There are restrictions, where you are not allowed to consume fried foods, cheesy and fattening foods, alcohol, caffeine, drugs (not even medicines), tobacco, and supplements. A small example of the best detox is mentioned below, just for you take a look.
Day 1 and 2
The diet can last for about 5 days, out of which you have to distribute 2 days for a liquid diet and 3 days for solid cooked food. During these 2 days, it is very essential that you consume drinks like lime juice, vegetable and fruit juices, herbal tea with squeezed lime, honey and ginger, including liver cleansing herbs. Make sure you don’t mix fruit and vegetable juices together, but have them separately for two different meals. Salads prepared from raw cut vegetables and fruits with fresh olive oil dressing, apple cider vinegar dressing can be eaten.
Day 3, 4 and 5
For the next 2 days, you can consume solid liver cleansing foods like brown rice, steamed vegetables, fruit smoothies, pasta salads, low fat milk and yogurt, fresh fruits, oatmeal, nuts, legumes and beans, etc. However, avoid eating red meat, cheese, butter, oil, eggs, sugar, junk food and any type of alcohol. You can also refer to some recipes, which will give you a broader choice. It is very important to maintain a diet plan for these foods. Drink as much water and lemonade with warm water and honey, as possible during these two days. On the 5th day, follow the same routine as day 1.
With the information about the simple detox, which will surely help you get rid of all the impurities and function the liver properly, you can try it for yourselves. Make sure, you consult your dietitian before taking it up, and only then go ahead with any detox diet.